Prof Dr Rajasekaran
Professor of English
Director - Students Welfare
VIT University, Chennai, India
Prof Dr Rajasekaran is a Professor of English & Director - Students Welfare at VIT University Chennai Campus, Tamilnadu, India.
He is the recipient of IATEFL Scholarship to attend 52nd IATEFL International Conference at Brighton, UK during April 2018 and recipient of Betty Azar Travel grant to attend TESOL International Convention and Expo at Atlanda, Georgia, USA during March 2019.
He has visited many countries, including England, Scotland, France, Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland, Oman, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and Srilanka. He has delivered keynote addresses in International conferences held in India, Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand.
Keynote Addresses at International Conferences
Keynote Addresses at International Conferences
Delivered the invited talk on ‘Revolutionizing ELT with AI Tools’ in Fourth International Conference on Language Studies, Translation and Education - ICLTE : 2023 from 7 to 9 December 2023 organized by International Association for Technology Education and Language Studies (IATELS) Bursa, Turkey. (Blended Mode)
Delivered Keynote address in International Conference on ‘ELT and Digital Tools’ Phrankhon University, Thailand on 5th & 6th October 2019 on ‘Modern Digital Tools in English Language Teaching’
Delivered Keynote address in 15th International conference on Learning, Education and Pedagogy (ICTEL) held at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore on June 14th and 15th 2017 on ‘Strategies to become an Ideal Teacher’
Delivered Keynote address in 15th International conference on Social Science & Humanities held at University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia on June 20th and 21st 2017 on ‘Modern Digital Tools in Language Teaching’
Keynote Speaker in International Conferences (India)
Delivered Keynote address on ‘Education 4.0’ at International Conference on ‘ELT and Cultural Studies’ organized by Department of English, Crescent University, Chennai, Tamilnadu held on 21st May, 2021.
Delivered Keynote address in International Workshop on ‘ELT Through Literature’ organized by Department of English, Thiruvalluvar University, Vellore, Tamilnadu held on 5th March, 2019 on ‘Latest Trends in English Language Teaching and Publishing’
Keynote Speaker at International Conference on Climate Advocacy, Resilience, and Ethics at Bishop Heber College, Trichy, on 12th and 13th February 2024
Keynote Speaker at 4th International E-conference on Incipient Research in Information Technology, Commerce, Management and Linguistics’ on 17th September, 2021 organized by CTTE, Chennai.
Delivered Keynote address on ‘Education 4.0’ at International Conference on‘ELT and Cultural Studies’ organized by Department of English, Crescent University, Chennai, Tamilnadu held on 21st May, 2021
Delivered Keynote address on ‘Latest Trends in English Language Teaching and Publishing’ at International Workshop on ‘ELT Through Literature’ organized by Department of English, Thiruvalluvar University, Vellore, Tamilnadu held on 5th March, 2019.
My YouTube Channel
Latest Invited Talks
Total given : 175+
My YouTube Channel - Prof Dr Rajasekaran
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Latest Invited Talks
Gave talk in FDP on ‘How to write quality research papers? organized by Hindustan College of Arts and Science, Chennai on 28.09.24.
Gave talk on ‘Communication Skills to School Children ‘ organized by SPORIC Office of VIT Chennai on 28.09.24.
Served as the Resource Person for the UGC-HRDC Refresher Course and delivered the following talks:
28th August 2024:
Session 1. "Roadmap for Better Teaching"
Session 2. "Digital Tools for Effective Teaching"
29th August 2024:
Session 3. "How to Write and Publish High-Quality Research Papers?"
Session 4."AI Tools for Research"
Chief Guest to inaugurate Vadiva Club at Velammal Institute of Technology, Chennai on 14.08.24 and Gave Talk on Importance of Extra Curricular Activities in Students Life.
Served as the Resource Person for an online workshop organized by CSSR & SRRM Degree & PG College (Autonomous), Kamalapuram, YSR, Andhra Pradesh, and delivered the following talks:
Session 1: 23rd July 2024: "Leveraging Interactive AI Tools for Effective Teaching"
Session 2: 24th July 2024: "Utilizing AI Tools to Enhance Research Productivity"
Session 3: 25th July 2024: "Strategies for Publishing in High-Impact Journals"
Served as the Resource Person for the FDP on "Modern Teaching and Evaluation Methods," organized by Soka Ikeda College of Arts and Science for Women, Chennai, on 15th July 2024, and delivered a talk on "AI Tools for Better Teaching and Learning Practices."
Served as the resource person for Five day FDP on ‘Publishing in High -Impact Scopus, SCI and SCIE Indexed Journals organized by Gokul Global University, Gujarat from 24 to 29th June 2024.
Resource Person to conduct Fun and Games to Rotary Club of Madras City on 30th March 2024.
Conducted a session titled "Research Made Easy: AI Tools for Research" during a Two-Day Symposium at Annai Violet Arts and Science College, Chennai, on 14th March 2024.
Keynote Speaker at International Conference on Climate Advocacy, Resilience, and Ethics at Bishop Heber College, Trichy, on 12th and 13th February 2024.
Resource Person for a Five-Day Online FDP titled "Innovative Strategies for Creative Classroom Teaching," from 19th to 23rd February 2024 at VIT Chennai.
Chief Guest for Sahitya 2024 Lit Fest of SRM University, Kattankulathur, Chennai, on 9th February 2024.
Resource Person for a workshop on "Trends in Educational Research" organized by KSR College of Education, Tiruchengode, Tamil Nadu, on 30th January 2024.
Served as the Resource Person for a Five-Day Online FDP titled "Digital Pedagogy Unleashed: Navigating the Future of Education," delivering a session on "Tech-Driven Learning: Excelling with Latest Tools for Engaged Education," organized by KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore, on 30th January 2024.
Gave a talk on "Free Resources for Research" at the National Workshop on Multidisciplinary Research Skills, organized by Jagannath Barooah University, Jorhat, Assam, from 19th to 25th January 2024.
Served as the Resource Person for an FDP, delivering a talk on "How to Write a Quality Research Paper?" on 18th January 2024, organized by Sandip University, Maharashtra.
Served as the Resource Person in the National Level Three-Day Online Faculty Development Program on "Artificial Intelligence in Teaching & Learning the English Language," delivered a talk on "Continuous Professional Development Using Digital Tools" on 14th December 2023, jointly organized by Anna University, Chennai, and Sri S. Ramasamy Naidu Memorial College, Sattur.