Invited Talks
150+ Talks given
Gave talk in FDP on ‘How to write quality research papers? organized by Hindustan College of Arts and Science, Chennai on 28.09.24.
Gave talk on ‘Communication Skills to School Children ‘ organized by SPORIC Office of VIT Chennai on 28.09.24.
Served as the Resource Person for the UGC-HRDC Refresher Course and delivered the following talks:
28th August 2024: Session 1. "Roadmap for Better Teaching" Session 2. "Digital Tools for Effective Teaching" 29th August 2024: Session 3. "How to Write and Publish High-Quality Research Papers?" Session 4."AI Tools for Research"
Chief Guest to inaugurate Vadiva Club at Velammal Institute of Technology, Chennai on 14.08.24 and Gave Talk on Importance of Extra Curricular Activities in Students Life.
Served as the Resource Person for an online workshop organized by CSSR & SRRM Degree & PG College (Autonomous), Kamalapuram, YSR, Andhra Pradesh, and delivered the following talks:
Session 1: 23rd July 2024: "Leveraging Interactive AI Tools for Effective Teaching"
Session 2: 24th July 2024: "Utilizing AI Tools to Enhance Research Productivity"
Session 3: 25th July 2024: "Strategies for Publishing in High-Impact Journals"
Served as the Resource Person for the FDP on "Modern Teaching and Evaluation Methods," organized by Soka Ikeda College of Arts and Science for Women, Chennai, on 15th July 2024, and delivered a talk on "AI Tools for Better Teaching and Learning Practices."
Served as the resource person for Five day FDP on ‘Publishing in High -Impact Scopus, SCI and SCIE Indexed Journals organized by Gokul Global University, Gujarat from 24 to 29th June 2024.
Resource Person to conduct Fun and Games to Rotary Club of Madras City on 30th March 2024.
Conducted a session titled "Research Made Easy: AI Tools for Research" during a Two-Day Symposium at Annai Violet Arts and Science College, Chennai, on 14th March 2024.
Keynote Speaker at International Conference on Climate Advocacy, Resilience, and Ethics at Bishop Heber College, Trichy, on 12th and 13th February 2024.
Resource Person for a Five-Day Online FDP titled "Innovative Strategies for Creative Classroom Teaching," from 19th to 23rd February 2024 at VIT Chennai.
Chief Guest for Sahitya 2024 Lit Fest of SRM University, Kattankulathur, Chennai, on 9th February 2024.
Resource Person for a workshop on "Trends in Educational Research" organized by KSR College of Education, Tiruchengode, Tamil Nadu, on 30th January 2024.
Served as the Resource Person for a Five-Day Online FDP titled "Digital Pedagogy Unleashed: Navigating the Future of Education," delivering a session on "Tech-Driven Learning: Excelling with Latest Tools for Engaged Education," organized by KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore, on 30th January 2024.
Gave a talk on "Free Resources for Research" at the National Workshop on Multidisciplinary Research Skills, organized by Jagannath Barooah University, Jorhat, Assam, from 19th to 25th January 2024.
Served as the Resource Person for an FDP, delivering a talk on "How to Write a Quality Research Paper?" on 18th January 2024, organized by Sandip University, Maharashtra.
Served as the Resource Person in the National Level Three-Day Online Faculty Development Program on "Artificial Intelligence in Teaching & Learning the English Language," delivered a talk on "Continuous Professional Development Using Digital Tools" on 14th December 2023, jointly organized by Anna University, Chennai, and Sri S. Ramasamy Naidu Memorial College, Sattur.
Gave a session titled "How to write quality research papers?" in FDP organized by Sri Eshwar College of Engineering, Coimbatore, on 28th December 2023.
Gave a session on ‘Continuous Professional Development (CPD) using Digital Tools’ in three-day FDP on Artificial Intelligence in Teaching and Learning English Language organized by Anna University Chennai from 14 to 16 December 2023.
Delivered the invited talk on ‘Revolutionizing ELT with AI Tools’ in Fourth International Conference on Language Studies, Translation and Education - ICLTE: 2023 from 7 to 9 December 2023 organized by International Association for Technology Education and Language Studies (IATELS) Bursa, Turkey. (Blended Mode).
Chief Guest for Annual Day Celebrations of Maharishi Vidhya Mandir School Polachery, (CBSE School), Chennai on 02.12.2023.
Gave a session titled ‘Free AI Tools for Research in FDP organized by Annai Violet Arts and Science College, Ambattur, Chennai on 13.03.24.
Keynote Speaker at International Conference on ‘Climate Advocacy, Resilience and Ethics’ organized by Bishop Heber College, Trichy, Tamilnadu on 12.02.24.
Gave a Talk titled ‘Tech Driven Learning: Excelling with Latest Tools for Engaged Education in FDP organized by KPR College of Engineering, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu on 30.01.24.
Gave a Talk titled ‘Nuances in Research Writing in FDP organized by KSR College of Education, Tiruchengode, Tamilnadu on 29.01.24.
Gave a Talk titled ‘Free Resources for Research in FDP organized by JB University, Assam on 23.01.24.
Gave a Talk titled ‘Quality Research in FDP organized by Sandeep University, Nashik, Maharastra on 18.01.24.
Gave a session titled ‘How to write quality research papers? in FDP organized by Sri Eshwar College of Engineering, Coimbatore on 28.12.23.
Gave a session on ‘Continuous Professional Development (CPD) using Digital Tools’ in three-day FDP on Artificial Intelligence in Teaching and Learning English Language organized by Anna University Chennai from 14 to 16 December 2023.
Delivered the invited talk on ‘Revolutionizing ELT with AI Tools’ in Fourth International Conference on Language Studies, Translation and Education - ICLTE: 2023 from 7 to 9 December 2023 organized by International Association for Technology Education and Language Studies (IATELS) Bursa, Turkey. (Blended Mode)
Chief Guest for Annual Day Celebrations of Maharishi Vidhya Mandir School Polachery, (CBSE School), Chennai on 02.12.2023.
Resource Person for Two Days Induction Program and Research Methodology in Vinayaka Mission’s Research Foundation (Deemed to be University), Salem held on 23 & 24.11 2023.
Resource Person for Two Days Induction Program for PhD Research Scholars in Thiruvalluvar University, Vellore on 27 & 28.03.2023.
Resource Person for MBA Freshers’ Orientation Programme and delivered talk on ‘Be a better version of yourself’ at Sri Amaravathi College of Arts and Science, Karur on 17.08.23
Resource Person for One Day National Level Multi Disciplinary Workshop on ‘Emerging Trends and Practices in Research Integrity and Publication Ethics’ in Government Arts College, Dharmapuri on 26.03.2023.
Chief Guest for Sports Fiesta’22 annual sports day celebrations of Sri Kanchi Mahaswami Vidhya Mandir (CBSE School), Tambaram, Chennai on 27.01.2023.
Resource person in the Job Oriented Value Added Course " Predicting the Unpredictable: Revolving Corporate Readiness Dynamics" held during January 3-8, 2023 at GLA University Mathura.
Resource Person for 10 days short term course on ‘Research Methodology’ conducted by Prerna College of Commerce, Reshimbag, Nagpur, Maharastra held from 25.11.22 to 4.12.22.
Resource person for the Fresher’s orientation programme Samparna’22 and gave a session on ‘Critical Thinking Skills’ at Universal Group of Institutions, Bangalore on 27.09.22
Gave a invited talk on ‘Soft Skills for Career Success’ at SNMV College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore on 20.5.22
Gave a talk on ‘Creative Writing’ at Mahindra College of Engineering ( Autonomous) Salem on 13.5.22
Gave a invited talk on ‘Basics of Research for PG Students at CTTE College of Arts and Science, Chennai on 10.5.22
As expert member attended BoS Meeting of English at Sengunthar College of Engineering, Tiruchengode on 6th May, 2021.
Gave a talk on “Research and Publication’ at National Level Seminar organized by CSI Bishop Appasamy College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore on 5.5.22
Gave a talk on “Thesis Writing” in the workshop on Research Methodology organised by Vinayaka Missions Research Foundation (Deemed to be University), Salem on 5.5.22
As expert member attended BoS Meeting of English at Mahindra College of Engineering ( Autonomous) Salem on 12.4.22
Chief Guest for FDP on ‘Research Methodology’ at Sri Kaleeswari College, Sivakasi organized under the auspices of Virudhunagar District Cluster of Colleges Joint Faculty Programme in English on 9.4.22
Resource person for Virtual Workshop on ‘Research Methodology for PG Students’ organized by Holy Cross Home Science College, Thoothukudi on 20 .4.22
Resource person for Virtual Workshop on ‘How to search quality materials for research’ organized by School of Social Sciences and Languages, VIT Vellore on 28.1.2022
Gave an invited lecture on ‘Basics of Research and Writing Research Paper’ organized by K G Joshi College of Arts & N G Bedekar College of Commerce, Thane, Maharastra on 14.1.22
Gave a Talk on ‘Be a better version yourself’ in first year Induction Programme of NIT Puducherry on 23.12.21.
Gave a talk on ‘How avoid plagiarism?’ in FDP A Confluence of Changes & Incentives: Language, Literature & Research’ organized by PSG College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore 9.12.21.
Gave a talk on ‘How to write a research paper?’ in FDP A Confluence of Changes & Incentives: Language, Literature & Research’ organized by PSG College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore on 8.12.21.
Speaker for Motivation Talk on ‘Discover Yourself’ to students of Jairam College of Arts and Science, Karur on 7.12.21.
Resource Person for A one week International Faculty Development Programme organized by St Joseph College for Women Autonomous, Vishakhapatnam & ELTAI Vishakhapatnam chapter on 22.10.21
Gave a Talk on ‘Life Skills through Literature’ in A Four day International Faculty Enrichment Programme at Srimad Andavar Arts and Science College, Srirangam on 9.10.21.
Resource Person for one day workshop on ‘Digital Tools in Teaching’ at Jain University, Bangalore on 9.10.21.
Gave a talk on ‘How to become an effective communicator’ at SNMV Institute of Management, Coimbatore 10.10.21
Gave a talk on ‘Change Making Leadership’ organized by NIPM, Ministry of Higher Education, Malaysia on 15th September, 2021.
Gave a Lecture on ‘Personas vs Ethos’ at Krishana Jayanthi Arts and Science College, Bengaluru on 23rd September, 2021.
Gave Motivation talk on ‘Be the best version of yourself’ at ‘First year orientation programme’ of Kathir Arts and Science College on 17th September, 2021.
Keynote Speaker at 4th International E-conference on Incipient Research in Information Technology, Commerce, Management and Linguistics’ on 17th September, 2021.
Gave Motivation talk at ‘First year orientation programme’ at Prathyusha Engineering College on 30th August, 2021.
As expert member attended BoS Meeting - English Department of University of Mumbai on 10th August, 2021.
As expert member attended BoS Meeting of English at Nandha College of Arts and Science, Erode on 5th August, 2021.
Invited Speaker for ELTed Talk on ‘Digital Tools in ELT Classroom’ hosted by ELT Ireland on 3rd July, 2021.
Resource Person for a National Seminar ‘Research Methodology in English Studies’ organized by DES’s R.S.Mundle Dharampeth Arts & Commerce College, Nagpur, SNM’s Rajkumar Kewalramani Girls College, Nagpur SSPM’s Mahila Mahavidyalaya , Nagpur on 30th July, 2021.
Resource Person for National Level FDP on ‘How to avoid plagiarism?’ organized by PPG College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore on 5th July June, 2021
Resource Person for National Level FDP on Digital Tools for Effective Teaching organized by Dr NGP College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore on 21st June, 2021
Resource Person for National Level Workshop on MLA Style of Referencing: The 9th Edition Updates R. D. Deore Arts and Science College, Mhasadi, Tal. Sakri, Dist.Dhule Maharashtra on 18th June, 2021
Inaugurated English Literary Club and gave special address on ‘Literature and Life’ at Nehru Arts and Science College, Coimbatore on 5th June 2021.
Gave Webinar on ‘Creativity and Innovation in Teaching and Learning’ organized by K S Rangasamy College of Technology, Tiruchengode on 3rd June, 2021.
Gave SDP session on ‘E mail Writing’ organized by RGUKT-AP Srikakulam Campus on 20th May, 2021.
Gave FDP session on ‘Research Methodology’ organized by Prerna College of Commerce, Nagpur on 11th May, 2021.
Gave SDP session on ‘The Secrets of Students Success’ organized by Government Arts and Science College, Lalgudi Trichy, on 20th April, 2021.
Gave SDP session on ‘Grooming Yourself for Placements’ in SDP organized by Kongu Engineering College, Erode on 22nd March, 2021.
Gave session on ‘Building Portfolio for Successful Career’ in SDP organized by VIT Bhopal on 13th March, 2021.
Gave session on ‘Corporate Perceptions of Employability Skills?’ in SDP organized by Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 3rd March, 2021.
Gave session on ‘ How to avoid plagiarism?’ in ‘Guru Dakshitha’ - Faculty Induction Programme (FIP)' at Vinayaka Mission’s Research Foundation (Deemed to be University) on 5th February, 2021
Gave session on ‘How to paraphrase research papers?’ in FDP on ‘Art of Writing Research Papers for Indexed Journals’ organized by NITTE Institute of Technology, Bangalore on 16th December, 2020.
Gave talk on ‘How to become a powerful communicator?’’ to during Freshers’ Induction Programme at Hallmark Business School, Trichy on 2nd December, 2020.
Gave talk on ‘Human Values’ to during Freshers’ Induction Programme at Builders Engineering College, Kangeyam on 10th November, 2020.
Joined as Expert Member- Board of Studies of English at Erode Sengunthar Engineering College, Perundurai on 7th November, 2020.
Joined as Expert Member Board of Studies of English at Nandha Engineering College, Erode on 10th September, 2020.
Gave a Lecture on ‘Mechanics of Research Writing’ organized by Kongu Arts and Science College, Erode on 7th September, 2020.
Gave Talk on ‘Winning Career Formula After School’ on 10th August, 2020 organized by Shadan Women’s College of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad, Telangana.
Gave a Talk on ‘Digital Tools to Improve Writing Skills’ organized by Malolan College of Arts and Science, Chennai on 20th July, 2020.
Gave a Talk on ‘Digital Tools to Build Vocabulary Skills’ organized by KPR College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore on 14th July, 2020.
Gave Talk on ‘How to Write Research Paper and Publish in International Journals’ on 9th July, 2020 organized by Dr Ambedkar Institute of Technology, Bengaluru.
Gave STP session on ‘Design Your Success’ on 6th July, 2020 organized by Shadan Women’s College of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad, Telangana.
Gave a Talk on ‘Future of Teaching - Challenges and Opportunities’ on 3rd July, 2020 organized by Builders Engineering College, Kangeyam.
Gave STP session on ‘Developing Communication Skills through Digital Tools’ on 30th June, 2020 organized by ST Hindu College, Nagercoil.
Gave FDP Session on ‘How to create engaging videos?’ organized by School of Mechanical and Civil Engineering, VIT Chennai on 26th June 2020.
Gave a Talk on ‘Digital Tools to Build Communication Skills’ organized by KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore on 25th June, 2020.
Gave a session on ‘How to avoid Grammatical Errors in Research Paper?’ to New Faculty Members of VIT Chennai on 25th June, 2020.
Gave a workshop session on ‘How to create and Edit Videos?’ organized by SNR Group of Institutions, Coimbatore on 23rd June, 2020
Gave a talk on Future of ELT organized by REVA University, Bangalore on 22nd June, 2020.
Gave webinar talk on ‘How to become an Ideal teacher? to Professors of various universities across India organized by St Joseph College of Engineering, Chennai, on 10th June, 2020
Gave Motivation talk on ‘Design Your Success’ organized by SRM University, Ramapuram Campus, Chennai, on 6th June, 2020
Joined as Expert Member for Board of Studies - English Meeting at Sri Ramakrishna College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore on 1st June, 2020.
Gave webinar talk on ‘Essentials of Professional Writing’ to Professors of various universities across India organized by Karunya University, Coimbatore on 29th May, 2020
Gave a session on ‘Presentation Skills’ to Research Scholars of VIT Chennai on 27th May, 2020.
Gave webinar talk on ‘Creativity and Innovation in Teaching’ to Professors of various universities across India organized by English Language Teachers Association of Telangana (ELTA) on 21st May, 2020
Gave webinar talk on ‘Current Trends in Teaching Methods and Strategies in Higher Education’ to Professors of various universities across India organized by Nanjil Catholic College of Arts and Science, Kanyakumari, on 18th May, 2020
Gave webinar talk on ‘Research Paper Publications in Quality Journals’ in FDP organized by Vivekanantha College of Engineering for Women, Tiruchengode on 15th May, 2020
Gave webinar talk on ‘Digital Tools to Enhance English Skills’ to students of Sri Ramakrishna Arts and Science College, Coimbatore on 13th May, 2020
Gave a half a day workshop on 'E mail writing skills' to Non-teaching staff members of VIT Chennai on 22nd April, 2020.
Gave webinar Talk on ‘How to plan career after +2?’ organized by SA Engineering College, Chennai on 10th May, 2020.
Gave a webinar talk on ‘Continuous Professional Development’ to Professors of Sri Ramakrishna Arts and Science College, Coimbatore on 24nd April, 2020.
Gave webinar talk on ‘Design your Destiny’ to Students of Sri Krishna Engineering College, Coimbatore on 24nd April, 2020.
Gave webinar talk on ‘How to write a research paper?’ to Professors and Students of Department of English, Rani Channamma University P G Centre Torvi Vijayapura, Karnataka on 23nd April, 2020.
Gave webinar talk on ‘How to write research paper?’ to Professors of various universities across India organized by Langlit, International Journal on 22nd April, 2020
Gave webinar talk on 'How to improve English Writing Skills' to Non-teaching staff members of VIT Chennai on 22nd April, 2020.
Gave webinar talk on 'How to improve Vocabulary Skills in English' to Non-teaching staff members of VIT Chennai on 21st April, 2020.
Invited as Resource Person for One Day FDP ‘Enhancing English Communication Skills’ at Ayya Nadar Janaki Ammal Arts and Science College, Sivakasi on 21st February, 2020.
Invited as Resource Person for One Day Workshop on ‘Web Based Learning to Enhance English Communication and Employability Skills’ at SRM University, Ramapuram Campus on 17th February, 2020.
Delivered Motivation Talk on ‘Design Your Destiny’ to entire students of Sri Amaravathi College of Arts and Science, Karur on 11th January, 2020.
Expert Member – Board of Studies Meeting held at Erode Sengunthar Engineering College, Perundurai on 10th January, 2020.
Invited as Resource Person for One Day National Seminar on 'Plagiarism in Research and Use of Scopus Database' at Vinayaka Mission’s Research Foundation (Deemed to be University) on 1st November, 2019.
Chief Guest to Inaugurate English Literary Association of Sri Krishna Adhithya College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore on 5th July 2019.
Expert Member – Board of Studies Meeting held at Sengunthar Engineering College, Tiruchengode on 19th July, 2019.
Chief Guest for Educational Development Day Celebrations held at SBIOA International School, Sonalur, Chennai on 15th July, 2019.
Expert Member – Board of Studies Meeting held at Erode Sengunthar Engineering College, Perundurai on 13th July, 2019.
Chief Guest to Inaugurate English Literary Association at Sri Guru Nanak College of Arts and Science, Chennai on 10th July, 2019FN.
NAAC Mock Audit Expert at Department of English in CSI Bishop Appasamy College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore on 5th July, 2019 AN.
Chief Guest to Inaugurate English Literary Association at Sri Krishna Adhitya College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore on 5th July, 2019FN.
Expert Member Board of Studies Meeting at Vellalar College of Engineering, Erode on 17th May, 2019.
Expert Member Board of Studies Meeting at Sri Ramakrishna College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore on 30th April, 2019.
Panel Member for ‘Bridging the Skills Gap - Developing Future Skills in Higher Education | Academia Partnering with Industry & more’ in EdTech Review "8th Higher Education Technology Conference 2019" held on 28th March, 2019 at Taj Hotel, Bangalore.
Resource Person for a Workshop on 'Conversational English' to Non-teaching staff members of VIT Chennai on 21st November, 2018
Invited as Resource Person for Freshers Orientation Programme held on 27th August, 2018 at Hallmark Business School, Trichy
Chief Guest for Inaugural Function of English Literary Club Activities on 30th July at Kongu Arts and Science College (Autonomous) Erode.
Gave a talk on Frostian Thoughts at Sri Ramakrishna College of Arts and Science for Women on 18th July 2018 AN.
Inaugurated English Literary Club and gave special address on’ Know the World and Rule the World’ at Nehru Arts and Science College, Coimbatore on 18th July 2018 FN.
Chief Guest for Freshers’ Inaugural Function at NGM College Pollachi on 25th June 2018