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Research paper publications

Scopus Indexed Journals (30)

Sujatha, U., & Rajasekaran, V. (2024). “Optimising listening skills: Analysing the effectiveness of a blended model with a top-down approach through cognitive load theory”[MethodsX 12 (2024) 1–9/102630]. MethodsX, 12 (Impact Factor Journal)


Bhuvaneswari P., & Rajasekaran, V. (2024). Insights into the Dynamic Relationship between Technology and Task-Based Language Teaching: A Critical Review. In International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research (Vol. 23, Issue 2, pp. 402–420). Society for Research and Knowledge Management.


Bhuvaneswari P., & Rajasekaran V. (2023). Listening in the Wider Context: An Indication of Integrating Assessment into Listening Instruction. International Journal of Social Science And Human Research.

Julia M and Rajasekaran V (2023). ‘Conceptualizing Endometriosis Pain Through  Metaphors’. Perspectives in Biology and Medicine, Vol 66, No. 3, pp 478-491. (John Hopkins University Press - Q1 Journal with 1.7 Impact Factor)

Sathvika R  & Dr Rajasekaran V (2023) Semiotic analysis in select advertisements on nature and sustainability: Green or social? Emerging Trends and Innovations in Industries of the Developing World: A Multidisciplinary Approach, 2023, pp. 111–115 (Scopus Book Chapter)

Roshini R and Rajasekaran V (2023). ‘An Analysis of Disability in The Little Mermaid: Examining Disparities and Similarities in the Fairytale and Its Movie Adaptation’. Studies in Media and Communication, Vol 11, No 4, pp 220-226.

Roshini R and Rajasekaran V (2022). ‘More Than an Invalid : A Comparative Study Addressing Disability Portrayal in Children’s Fiction’. Theory and practice in Language Studies, Vol 12, No. 3, pp 551-557.

Roopalakshmi V and Dr. Rajasekaran V (2022). Repression : Rethinking the Relationship between Creator and the Creation. YMER, vol 21(5) pp 929-937

Aravind, B. R. and Rajasekaran, V. (2022). Internet of Things (IoT) and Vocabulary Learning in the English Language. Intelligent Systems Reference Library, 2022, 210, pp. 123–134

Rajesh K. & Rajasekaran V. (2021). Anthropocentrism in the Select American Dystopic Fictions: The Water Knife by Paolo Bacigalupi and Claire Vaye Watkins’ Gold Fame Citrus. Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, 21(16).

Aravind, B. R. and Rajasekaran, V. (2021). Exploring Dysphasia Learners’ Vocabulary Acquisition through the Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning: An Experimental Study International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning , 16(12): 263–275.

Nisha M., Subbu and Rajasekaran V. (2020)  "NLP Technique: A Pre-Listening Activity in Enhancing Listening Skill – A Pilot Study." Innovations and Technologies for Soft Skill Development and Learning, edited by Suresh Kumar Nagarajan and Mohanasundaram R., IGI Global, 2020, pp. 115-123. http://doi:10.4018/978-1-7998-3464-9.ch014


Roshini R and Rajasekaran V (2020). Social Conditioning of Gender Roles Through Advertisements in India International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation 6(2): 7561-7566

Aravind, B. R. and Rajasekaran, V. (2020). A Qualitative Research through an Emerging Technique to Improve Vocabulary for ESL Learners. International Journal on Emerging Technologies, 11(2): 441–446.


Subbu Nisha M & Rajasekaran V (2020) "NLP Techniques: A Therapeutic Approach to Enhance the Presentation Skills of Engineering Students”. IUP Journal of English Studies. Vol 10 -1 pp 87-102, March 2020


Aravind B R, & Rajasekaran V. (2020) Using technological modality to learn vocabulary incidentally and intentionally for effective communication. International Journal of Intelligent Enterprise,7 ( 1-3) 166 -175


Rajesh K, & Rajasekaran V (2019). The Limitations of Normative Ethics: Anthropocentrism In Kim Stanley Robinson’s 2312. Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews, 7(6), 1040-1047.


Aravind B R, Rajasekaran V. (2019)  Improving Noun Hyponyms Using Select TED Wordlist through WordNet: An Investigational Study. Universal Journal of Educational Research 7.11 2495 - 2500. doi: 10.13189/ujer.2019.071129.


Aravind, B. R., & Rajasekaran, V. (2019) Diagnosing ESL Learners’ Vocabulary Knowledge Through Memory Strategies. Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews, 7(5), 41-47. Retrieved from  


Rajesh K, & Rajasekaran V (2019) Environmental Ethics: Anthropocentric Chauvinism as Seen in Western Ethical Theories. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering. ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8, Issue- 6S4, 1385-89. DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.F1280.0486S419.


Subbu Nisha M & Rajasekaran V (2019) "NLP Strategies: An Innovative Tool to Enhance Employability Skills" International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering.( IJRTE) Vol 8 Issue-1C2, May 2019.


S. Godwin Raj & Dr.V. Rajasekaran (2019) “An analysis on traumatic effects after rape”, Journal of International Pharmaceutical Research 46(1): 158-161


Aravind BR & Rajasekaran V (2019) "Technological Modality to Influence Persuasive and Argumentative Vocabulary for Effective Communication with reference to Selected TED Talk Videos" International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering.( IJRTE) Vol 7 Issue-5S2, January 2019.


Aravind BR & Rajasekaran V (2018) ‘Advanced Technological Modality to Explore ESL Learners’ Vocabulary Knowledge through Social Strategies’ JARDCS, Vol 10:10 pp 250-256


Rajasekaran V & Jasmine Jose (2017) Deromanticizing the Diasporic Life in Benyamin’s Goat Days. IUP Journal of English Studies. Vol 4 pp 1-5


Jasmine Jose & Rajasekaran V (2017) The Influence of Authorities on Writers in a Society: Censorship Rules and Challenges Faced by Dissident Writers with Reference to Remarque’s All Quiet on the Western Front.  Forum for World Literature Studies Vol 9 (2) pp 293 -301


Rajesh K & Rajasekaran V (2017). Political Traditions and Power Structures in H.G.Wells’: The Island of Dr. Moreau. Man in India Vol 97(2) pp 363-368


Godwin Raj & Rajasekaran. V(2016). Scriptotherapy as an Antidote for Traumatic Problems with Reference to Sapphire’s Push. Man in India Vol 96(11) pp4387- 4392


Rajasekaran.V et al (2016). Reading and Re-reading: A Review of Interpretations on Kamala Das’s My Story.  International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Vol11: 7 (2016) pp 5014-5015



Other International Journals (40)

Roopalakshmi, V., & Rajasekaran, V. (2024). Addicted to Oil: Exploring the Literary and Advertising Narratives of Oil Dependence. Community Practitioner, 21(6), 2945-2953.


Palanisamy , B., & Rajasekaran, V. (2023). Listening in the wider context: An indication of integrating assessment into listening instruction. International Journal of Social Science and Human Research, 06(07).


Sujatha U., & Rajasekaran, V. (2023) Listening Skills: Framework to Teach Listening Skills with Blended Model. Rajasekaran, V (Ed). Successful Teaching/Research Practices. (pp. 69-81) ISBN 978-81-962994-0-8.


Roopalakshmi, V., & Rajasekaran, V. (2023). Oil - A Metaphor of Fear and Inhumanness in John H Green's Seven Men in a tank. International Journal of Innovative Research in Technology, 9(8).


Sujatha, U., & Rajasekaran, V. (2023). Myth and Reality of Online Tools in Education. Language in India, 22(11).


Sathvika, & Rajasekaran, V. (2023). A semiotic analysis of Saussure and Barthes’ theories under the purview of print advertisements in International Journal of Social Science and Human Research, 11(6).


Julia M. Abraham, Rajasekaran, V., & Dr. Kalai Selvan Arumugham (2022). Gender Performance in Hijras: Paradoxical Identity of Indian Transgenders in the Book by A. Revathi “The Truth About Me: A Hijra Life Story”. Asian Journal Of Multidisciplinary Research & Review, 3(3), 64-75.


Sathvika, & Rajasekaran, V. (2021). A Visual Analysis of Advertisements in

Feminism: Logics and Illogicality. International Journal of Social Science and Human Research, 4(8). []


Aravind., B R, & Rajasekaran., V. (2021). Status of Continuing Professional

Development in Education Sector: A Global Study. International Journal of Social Science And Human Research, 4(8). []


Subham Nanda, Aravind B.R., & Rajasekaran, V. (2021). A Study on The Difficulties in Pronunciation of ESL Learners. International Journal of Advanced Research, 9(Sep), 242-251.


Roshini R., Rajasekaran, V., & Manimangai Mani (2021). A Review on Disability Studies from 2000 to 2020. Language in India, 21(1), 73-80.


Debjyoti, D., Ritvik, S., & Rajasekaran, V. (2020). Why is Yoga Unpopular among Indian Youth? The International Journal of Health and Medicines, 1(1), 27-39.


Anushka, S., & Rajasekaran, V. (2020). Group Pressure: Between Suffering and Motivation. The International Journal of Social Sciences World, 2(2), 56-62.


Snigtha Ramkumar, & Rajasekaran. V. (2019). Perceptions and Effects of Large Classes in Higher Education in India. Language in India, 19(10), 11-20.


Aravind., B R, & Rajasekaran., V. (2018). Identifying the Determination Strategies of Engineering Students’ Vocabulary Knowledge through Technological Modalities. The ELT Practitioner, 5(IV).


Aravind B R, & Rajasekaran, V. (2018). “A Study on Vocabulary Learning Strategies of Research Scholars”. International Journal of Research in Teacher Education, 9(2), 1625.


Aravind B R, & Rajasekaran, V. (2018). A Review on Critical Thinking and CLIL. The Language in India, 18(6), 30-36.


Subbu Nisha M., & Rajasekaran, V. (2018). Employability Skills: A Review. The IUP Journal of Soft Skills, 8(1), 27-37.


Godwin Raj, & Rajasekaran. V. (2017). Writing as a Therapeutic Agent for

Collective Healing in the Poems of Tensin Tsundue. Studies in Linguistics and Literature, 1(2), 123-128.


Jasmine Jose, & Rajasekaran, V. (2017). Universal Experience of Female Tribulations in an Indian Milieu: A Study on Deshpande’s Novels Small Remedies and Roots and Shadows. Studies in Linguistics and Literature, 1(1), 5-8.


Jasmine Jose, & Rajasekaran. V. (2015). Establishing the Identity and Celebrating the Self in My Story by Kamala Das. Journal of Teaching and Research in English Literature, 7(1), 1-7.


Rajasekaran. V., & Godwin Raj (2015). Colours as Symbols in Life of Pi. Subalternspeak, 4(1), 25-30.


Rajasekaran. V. (2015). The Effect of Reading-Based Activities in Enhancing Vocabulary-An Observational Study. MJAL, 7(3), 262-271.


Rajasekaran. V., & Jasmine Jose (2015). Life in the Prison as a New Kind of Freedom in Goat Days. Language in India, 15(9), 75-83.


Rajasekaran, V. (2014). Methodologies to Improve Vocabulary at Upper Intermediate Level. Lang Lit, 1(1), 71-75.


Rajasekaran, V., & P. Selvakumar (2012). Impact of Parents Education in the Students Vocabulary. The Criterion, 2(4), 198-210.


Rajasekaran, V., & P. Selvakumar (2012). A Study of Vocabulary Level of II year Engineering Students. The Elixir, Ling & Trans, 7(1), 9676-9680.


Rajasekaran.V. (2012). The Role of Wiki in English Language Teaching at Tertiary Level. Journal of Technology for ELT, 2(1), 1-5.


Rajasekaran.V. (2010). Strategies to Solve Common Communicative Problems at Engineering College Level. MJAL, 2(5), 346-353.


Rajasekaran.V., & A.Palaniappan. (2009). English Language Teaching and Internet. Language in India, 9(11), 435-439.


Rajasekaran.V. (2008). Strategies to Improve Reading Skills. Journal of ELT, 5(2), 8-12.


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